Healthcare News

Indiana Medicaid Rate Equalization

Good news for Indiana Medicaid providers.  Due to a 2020 CMS final rule, Indiana Medicaid is required to reimburse with consistent rates across all programs.  Instead of reducing the HIP rates to Medicaid rates, they have agreed to raise the Medicaid rates for professional services to 100% of the prior year’s Medicare rates.  Thus, all Indiana Medicaid and Indiana HIP plans will pay at the 2023 Medicare rates starting in January 2024. 

American Medical Association Announcement

American Medical Association announced 2024 Medicare fee schedule.  The final rule includes a 3.37 percent reduction in the 2024 Medicare conversion factor, lowering it from $33.8872 to $32.7442. Additionally, the anesthesia conversion factor is finalized to be reduced from $21.1249 to $20.4349.  Please see link for additional information.   

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